Saturday, July 27

Trump says “Major Decisions” on Syria Likely in 24-48 Hours

US President Donald Trump condemned the recent chemical attack on Syria describing it as “atrocious and heinous” while declaring that his administration will come with some “major decisions” on Syria within next 24-48 hours.

Trump said,

It was an atrocious attack, totally horrible, we don’t see like that. We are very concerned that a thing can happen. This is about humanity, it can’t be allowed to happen.

Trump further informed that the situation is being studied in closely and a major decision is likely to come in a day or two.

Earlier in 2015, Vladimir had sent troops to protect its most important military base in the Middle East, Syria to protect and defend its longtime ally-the regime of Bashar al Assad.

Most analysts believe that Syrian army would be unable to function properly without Rusian or Iranian support and needs their aid to be able to carry out bombing raids against the rebels.

The U.S has looked to Russia for support of the Asad Regime, however, Trump is open to the idea of speaking directly to Putin to find a common ground between Syria and Russia and over economic as well as security issues.

Trump has also been in conversation with his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron and they have agreed to coordinate a joint response against the alleged chemical attack. British PM, Theresa May also criticized the barbaric act of use of chemical weapons and Russia’s continued support for Asad Regime.

“Russia has repeatedly misused its veto in the U.S over last few years breaking in the mechanism and making it difficult to investigate upon the use of chemical weapons.This must stop.”, said May at a conference in Denmark.