Saturday, July 27

Tag: Russia

BRICS Group Expands with Five New Members

BRICS Group Expands with Five New Members

2nd Jan, 2024, Moscow: The BRICS group, renowned as a pivotal platform for emerging markets and developing countries, has recently welcomed five new members. The inclusion of Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Ethiopia strengthens the bloc's influence and marks a significant milestone. Originally established by Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, the BRICS group now encompasses a wider range of nations, reflecting its growing importance in the global landscape. The acceptance of these new members into the BRICS group comes after numerous membership requests in recent years, underscoring the increasing significance and influence of the bloc. The Johannesburg Summit in August 2023 extended a formal invitation to the five nations, recognizing their econom...
Tesla Electric Car Explodes in Russia

Tesla Electric Car Explodes in Russia

A Tesla electric car caught fire on a Moscow motorway late on Saturday. Footage of the incident on state TV channel Rossia 24 showed the car by the side of the road engulfed in flames and thick black smoke. Two small explosions occurred within a few seconds of each other. It was not possible to tell which Tesla model the car was and only the metal frame remained after the fire. Tesla Inc stood by safety claims for its Model 3 earlier this week in the face of regulatory scrutiny, while documents showed the top U.S. automotive safety watchdog issued at least five subpoenas since last year seeking information about crashes involving the company's vehicles. The state-run RIA news agency website posted a video showing the car driving in the left-hand lane of Moscow's ring road, known ...
Alibaba Along with Launches a New Joint Venture

Alibaba Along with Launches a New Joint Venture

China’s e-commerce major Alibaba and Russia’s internet company have announced that they have entered into a deal to launch a joint venture in Russia and former Soviet countries. The new venture will be called AliExpress Russia, taking after the name of an existing Alibaba platform. The two groups and the Russian sovereign wealth fund RDIF along with telecom operator MegaFon, announced the inauguration of "a new strategic partnership" as Russia hosts an economic forum in the far eastern city of Vladivostok. Alibaba and said in a statement this would "integrate Russia's key consumer internet and e-commerce platforms and launch a leading social commerce joint venture in Russia and the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States)." According to the statement, the new compan...
9 Apps To Keep You Updated About FIFA World Cup 2018

9 Apps To Keep You Updated About FIFA World Cup 2018

The FIFA World Cup 2018 that started June 14 and we have already witnessed some exciting football matches. The FIFA World Cup is one of the biggest sports events for the football fans all over the world and this time the tournament is taking place In Russia which involves many matches taking place over a period of one month. Sometimes, we are not able to stick to the television and watch matches and thus, we have come up with a list of mobile apps that would help all the FIFA fans out there to keep a close track to all the matches going on this year. The people can follow scores, the latest action, news, interviews and everything happening on the ground with these apps. If you enjoy football and want to make it a more interactive and competitive spectacle for you and your friends to engage...
India Imports the Cheapest LNG Cargo from Russia : Know what is LNG

India Imports the Cheapest LNG Cargo from Russia : Know what is LNG

India has received its very first consignment of the cheapest Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) under a longstanding contract with Russia. The gas has been imported into the country at a price of around $7 per million British Thermal Unit (mmBtu) by the Russian supplier Gazprom. Russia is the largest crude oil and second-largest gas producer in the world. The amount at which India has received LNG from Russia is far much cheaper ($1.5 per mmBtu cheaper) than that of Qatar, which is India’s biggest and oldest exporter of LNG. Our country is the fourth largest importer of LNG and its objective is to create a gas-based economy and bring diversification in the energy imports, which is currently intimidated by oil and coal. The LNG cargo was received at the port in Mumbai and according to the r...
Russian Twitter accounts helped opposition in UK election: Report

Russian Twitter accounts helped opposition in UK election: Report

According to a new research, it has been revealed that Russian Twitter accounts pumped out messages in support of the opposition Labour party in an attempt to influence last year's British election. About 6,500 automated accounts had sent messages praising opposition Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and his policies in the closing stages of the election confirmed a research by Swansea University and The Sunday Times. Further, the study has found that 10 messages from the accounts about Labour backed the party. In contrast, nine out of 10 tweets about the Conservatives were hostile. The messages also targeted Prime Minister Theresa May for refusing to take part in televised election debates and criticised her for cutting police numbers in the wake of the Manchester bombing. Matt Hanc...
Trump says “Major Decisions” on Syria Likely in 24-48 Hours

Trump says “Major Decisions” on Syria Likely in 24-48 Hours

US President Donald Trump condemned the recent chemical attack on Syria describing it as "atrocious and heinous" while declaring that his administration will come with some "major decisions" on Syria within next 24-48 hours. Trump said, It was an atrocious attack, totally horrible, we don't see like that. We are very concerned that a thing can happen. This is about humanity, it can't be allowed to happen. Trump further informed that the situation is being studied in closely and a major decision is likely to come in a day or two. Earlier in 2015, Vladimir had sent troops to protect its most important military base in the Middle East, Syria to protect and defend its longtime ally-the regime of Bashar al Assad. Most analysts believe that Syrian army would be unable to function prop...
Twitter To Notify Users Exposed To Russian Propaganda During U.S. Elections

Twitter To Notify Users Exposed To Russian Propaganda During U.S. Elections

Twitter Inc, which is reviewing Russian interference during the 2016 U.S. elections, said on Friday it would notify some of its users whether they were exposed to content generated by a suspected Russian propaganda service. The company said it would email 677,775 people in the United States who followed, retweeted or liked content from accounts associated with the Internet Research Agency (IRA) during the election. The IRA is a Russian organization that according to lawmakers and researchers, employs hundreds of people to push pro-Kremlin content under phony social media accounts. Twitter added that because it has already suspended these accounts, the relevant content is no longer publicly available on its platform. Twitter executives on Wednesday told U.S. lawmakers that it ma...
Kaspersky CEO Says He Would Leave If Russia Asked Him To Spy

Kaspersky CEO Says He Would Leave If Russia Asked Him To Spy

The founder of Moscow-based anti-virus software company Kaspersky Lab said on Tuesday he would quit Russia if its intelligence agencies ever asked his company to spy for it. CEO Eugene Kaspersky said accusations his software had been used by Russian spies to steal American secrets had caused the company’s revenue to decline in North America, but said it was still growing in other parts of the world. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has banned government agencies from using Kaspersky Lab software, after concluding that the company’s anti-virus software had been used to copy sensitive files with American secrets. The company and its founder Eugene Kaspersky have strongly denied they ever cooperated with Russian intelligence, although they have said their software inadvertent...
Russian Twitter Accounts Promoted Brexit Ahead Of EU Referendum: Times Newspaper

Russian Twitter Accounts Promoted Brexit Ahead Of EU Referendum: Times Newspaper

Russian Twitter accounts posted almost 45,000 messages about Brexit in the 48 hours around last year’s referendum in an attempt to sow discord during the vote on whether to leave the European Union, the Times newspaper reported on Wednesday. The Times cited research from an upcoming paper by data scientists at Swansea University and the University of California, Berkeley, which it said showed accounts based in Russia had tweeted about Brexit in the days leading up to the June 23 vote. The Times said most of the tweets seen by the newspaper encouraged people to vote for Brexit, although a number advocated remaining in the EU. It quoted Tho Pham, one of the paper’s authors, as saying “the main conclusion is that bots were used on purpose and had influence”. The research tracked 156,...
Former Yahoo CEO Apologizes For Data Breaches, Blames Russians

Former Yahoo CEO Apologizes For Data Breaches, Blames Russians

Marissa Mayer, former CEO of Yahoo on Wednesday, apologised for the two historic data breaches at their company. She blamed the Russian agents, saying they were behind at least one of these breaches, at a hearing on the growing number of cyber attacks on major U.S. companies. ”As CEO, these thefts occurred during my tenure, and I want to sincerely apologise to each and every one of our users,” she told the Senate Commerce Committee, testifying alongside the interim and former CEOs of Equifax Inc and a senior Verizon Communications Inc executive. “Unfortunately, while all our measures helped Yahoo successfully defend against the barrage of attacks by both private and state-sponsored hackers, Russian agents intruded on our systems and stole our users’ data.” she added. Yahoo's most of t...
These Russian Ads Deceived Users on Facebook and Instagram- Leaked

These Russian Ads Deceived Users on Facebook and Instagram- Leaked

The Russian ads that influenced the Americans came under many disguised faces. They ran all across Facebook and Instagram attempting to influence the public's opinion through social media in a manner we hardly can imagine! The content that went along with it could hardly be traced now, but we managed to get some of the screenies of those social media ads. It's clear from the testimony of internet companies that these ads aimed at "election interference". Go through the examples in the below images of how they planned to discredit a candidate (Clinton being the reliable target), and foment division on existing issues. The Russian ads targeted the far left and the far right, seeking to manipulate black activists, Muslims, Christians, LGBTQ people, gun owners and even fans of Ivanka ...