Saturday, July 27

Tag: study

How to Prepare for Online classes in Covid19

How to Prepare for Online classes in Covid19

During Covid19, Online classes have become the most popular segment and all edtech platforms in the world looking to catch this booming space. But for parents and children, it has become more important to know how to navigate an online environment. Online courses allow students to learn whenever, wherever, and however works best for them. They can also present unique challenges. Pixr8 News put together some strategies for success to help ensure students get the most value out of their online classes. Set Goals Students need to have a passion and drive for their chosen area of study. Remind yourself why you chose this field of study. Passion can help maintain discipline with deadlines. Set realistic attainable goals both long and short term. Goals should be specific and measu...
Indian Billionaire Hiring 12 Staff to Help Daughter Study at UK University

Indian Billionaire Hiring 12 Staff to Help Daughter Study at UK University

An unnamed Indian billionaire's daughter has been dubbed the "poshest" student in the UK after it was claimed that her family is hiring 12 staff members to help her during her studies at a Scottish university. The first-year student at the University of St Andrew on the east coast of Scotland will have a house manager, three housekeepers, a gardener, a lady's maid, and a butler on hand to help her, along with three footmen, a private chef, and chauffeur, 'The Sun' newspaper reported. They will be employed at the family's new luxurious mansion, bought so that the daughter won't have to stay in general student accommodation during the four years she spends studying at the leading Scottish university. An advert was placed a few months ago looking for "an outgoing, cheerful" maid with...
Taking Photos Really Helps You Remember Experiences: Study

Taking Photos Really Helps You Remember Experiences: Study

Taking photos may actually help you remember the visual details of your encounters, whether it is lying on the beach, touring a museum, or just waiting in line at the grocery store, a study suggests. "Our research is novel because it shows that photo-taking itself improves memory for visual aspects of an experience but can hurt memory for non-visual aspects, like auditory details," researchers said. Previous research has suggested that being able to take photographs or consult the internet may allow us to outsource our memory, freeing up cognitive resources but potentially impairing our ability to remember. Researchers, including those from New York University in the US, hypothesised that this offloading effect may hold for factual information, but might not apply when it comes to the...
Despite E-comm Rise, Offline Stores Generating 91% Sale: Study

Despite E-comm Rise, Offline Stores Generating 91% Sale: Study

Despite rise in e-commerce business, brick and mortar stores still generate 91 per cent sales globally, a study has claimed. "Despite the rise of e-commerce, the physical stores still draw a significant shopping crowd. In fact, 91 per cent of all retail sales are still being generated in brick-and-mortar stores," the study released by Zebra Technology said today. Zebra Technology interviewed nearly 1,700 retail decision-makers across various retail segments, including speciality stores, department stores, apparel merchants, supermarkets, electronics, home improvement and drugstore chains, globally in 2016. "Around 28 per cent of the sample size were taken from Asia Pacific. Findings at Asia Pacific level are reflective of trends in India," Zebra Regional Sales Director for India a...
Study Shows Over Half of all Employees Feel Dissatisfied With Their Salary

Study Shows Over Half of all Employees Feel Dissatisfied With Their Salary

A study by leading Job Portal reveals that 55% Gen Y and 53% Gen Z employees were disappointed with their first-drawn salaries. Dissatisfaction with salary is not new, however the reasons may have changed with changing aspirations of different generations. "This disappointment with salaries is due to many factors - the lack of a proper benchmark tool is one of the reasons which are not readily acknowledged. However, if you can assess your worth on the basis of what the standard payout is in a particular sector for a particular role, you will be saved of that disappointment when you actually get the job offer," says Vikas Deep Verma, Head of Product and Marketing, TimesJobs. The TimesJobs study based on the first job journey of Gen Z and Gen Y workforce also reveals that Gen Z is quic...
Rs 10k Smartphone Segment in India to Grow 44% in 2016: Report

Rs 10k Smartphone Segment in India to Grow 44% in 2016: Report

The under Rs 10,000-smartphone segment is expected to grow 44 per cent this year, constituting 70 per cent of the market, a CMR report said. According to the research firm, smartphone shipment in the country is expected to grow to about 130 million handsets this year from 97 million last year by 163 brands. "The entry-level or sub-Rs 10,000 accounted for 75 per cent of the market in calendar year 2015 with 153 brands shipping in the price bracket," it said. For 2016, the segment is forecast to constitute about 70 per cent of the estimated 130 million shipment (91 million), it added. "The sub-Rs 10,000 segment is expected to grow at 44 per cent, driven by consumers upgrading from feature phones to smartphones," the report said. The mid-tier segment (Rs 10,000-20,000 bracket) is e...
Freecharge Now India’s Fastest Growing Payments App

Freecharge Now India’s Fastest Growing Payments App

The reach of the digital payments platform Freecharge has grown from 17% to 30% in the period from October 2015 to April 2016 in India -- the highest growth in app usage for any payments app in the country, a Nielsen study revealed on Monday.   Freecharge also emerged as the most engaging app in the category with the average time spent on the app per month -- increasing from 28 minutes to 55 minutes in the period October 2015 to April 2016, said the data from Nielsen Informate Smartphone Panel.   Freecharge core philosophy is focused on making transactions swifter and more secure. A number of features such as On the Go Pin (patent pending), Speed Pay (making transactions within 10 seconds), first of its kind Social Pay services like Chat n Pay, payments throug...
World is Shrinking, We are Just 3.5 Degrees Apart: Facebook

World is Shrinking, We are Just 3.5 Degrees Apart: Facebook

NEW YORK: You must have heard about the famous "six degrees of separation" theory that everyone on the planet is connected to everyone else by six other people. Facebook has just upended this theory, saying that world is more closely connected than you might think. After studying 1.59 billion people active on the social networking website, the team determined that the number is actually 3.57 -- meaning thereby that there is actually "three-and-a-half degrees of separation" where each person in the world is connected to every other person by an average of three-and-a-half other people. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is 3.17 degrees of separation from all Facebook users. According to researchers, our collective "degrees of separation" have shrunk over the past five years. In 2011, ...