Saturday, July 27

Tag: hack

Bigbasket Data Breach, Data of 20 million users put on Dark Web

Bigbasket Data Breach, Data of 20 million users put on Dark Web

New Delhi, Nov 8, 2020: India's leading online grocery platform Bigbasket faces a potential data breach that could leak the details of its 20 million users, according to cyber intelligence firm Cyble. The company has filed a police complaint in this regard with Cyber Crime Cell in Bengaluru and is verifying claims made by cyber experts. The cyber firm said that a hacker has put data allegedly belonging to Bigbasket on sale for around $40,000 (Rs 30 lakh). "In the course of our routine dark web monitoring, the research team at Cyble found the database of Big Basket for sale in a cybercrime market, being sold for over USD 40,000. The leak contains a database portion; with the table name ''member_member''. The size of the SQL file is about 15 GB, containing close to 20 million user ...
Google Stop Employees from using Zoom Video Conferencing App

Google Stop Employees from using Zoom Video Conferencing App

Search engine based company Google ban employees from using popular video-conferencing app Zoom after end to end security flaws. Video-conferencing app Zoom which gained over 200 million users worldwide in March amid shutdown due to coronavirus pandemic has recently been under the scanner after few countries reported security issues. Apart from Google, the Singapore education dept, Taiwan Government, Elon Musk's SpaceX, etc has banned video conferencing app over security concerns. The app has also been banned by New York City officials for schools who were earlier using the app to facilitate remote classes and sessions. As Pixr8 News mentioned in its earlier report that Zoom videos had been exposed on the open web due to end to end security flaws. Also, a data-mining feature o...
Singapore stops Zoom for Online Education as Hackers Strike

Singapore stops Zoom for Online Education as Hackers Strike

Singapore has suspended the use of Zoom for online education after hackers hijacked a lesson and showed obscene images to students. In what is known as “Zoombombing,” two hackers interrupted a geography lesson a day after Singapore closed schools on Wednesday as part of partial lockdown measures to curb local transmissions of COVID-19. Lessons have moved online, with some teachers using video conferencing tools like Zoom. Singapore’s Ministry of Education said it was investigating the “serious incidents” and may file police reports. "We are already working with Zoom to enhance its security settings and make these security measures clear and easy to follow,” said Aaron Loh, director of the ministry’s Educational Technology Division. "As a precautionary measure, our teachers ...
Secure & Un-hackable Computer Network is Close to Reality

Secure & Un-hackable Computer Network is Close to Reality

Scientists have developed a method of securely communicating between multiple quantum devices, bringing a large-scale, un-hackable network closer to reality. To date, communicating via quantum networks has only been possible between two devices of known provenance that have been built securely. "We're in a technology arms race of sorts. When quantum computers are fully developed, they will break much of today's encryption whose security is only based on mathematical assumptions," said Ciaran Lee, from University College London in the UK. "To pre-emptively solve this, we are working on new ways of communicating through large networks that don't rely on assumptions, but instead use the quantum laws of physics to ensure security, which would need to be broken to hack the encryption,"...
Indian Government Issued Warning Against These 42 Chinese Mobile Applications

Indian Government Issued Warning Against These 42 Chinese Mobile Applications

Earlier this week, Indian government as per some reliable inputs has found that these 43 Android and iOS apps developed by Chinese developers are reportedly either "spyware or other malicious ware." A country wide advisory has been sent to all field formations of the Army and paramilitary forces warning of a cyber attack through mobile phones. The advisory comes in the wake of inputs received by the Union Home Ministry from agencies like the R&AW and NTRO. The advisory says, "As per reliable inputs, a number of android/IOS apps developed by Chinese developers or having Chinese links are reportedly either spyware or other malicious ware. Use of these apps by our force personnel can be detrimental to data security having implications on the force and national security." However ...
Uber Execs Travel The Globe To Soothe Regulators’ Concerns After Controversies

Uber Execs Travel The Globe To Soothe Regulators’ Concerns After Controversies

Uber executives are traveling the globe to reassure regulators that the company is changing the way it does business, after a string of controversies hurt the ride-hailing firm’s reputation, its Asian head said on Monday. These comments come on the heels of Uber’s disclosure last week that it covered up a 2016 data breach which compromised data of some 57 million customers and drivers, prompting governments around the world to launch probes into the breach and Uber’s handling of the matter. Authorities in Britain and the United States, two top Uber markets, as well as Australia and the Philippines have said they would investigate the company’s response to the data breach. “We’ve learned very quickly and we’re tacking very quickly,” Brooks Entwistle, Uber Technologies Inc’s recentl...
High-Speed Quantum Encryption Could Stop Hackers: Study

High-Speed Quantum Encryption Could Stop Hackers: Study

To fight back against the common security attacks, scientists have created a high-speed encryption system to stop hackers. The system is capable of distributing encryption codes at megabit-per-second rates, five to 10 times faster than existing methods and on par with current internet speeds when running several systems in parallel. In a study, published in the journal Science Advances, the researchers demonstrate that the technique is secure from common attacks, even in the face of equipment flaws that could open up leaks. "We are now likely to have a functioning quantum computer that might be able to start breaking the existing cryptographic codes in the near future," said Daniel Gauthier, from The Ohio State University in the US. "We really need to be thinking hard now of diff...
Uber Told SoftBank About Data Breach Before Telling Public

Uber Told SoftBank About Data Breach Before Telling Public

Uber Technologies Inc said on Thursday that it discussed a massive data breach with potential investor SoftBank Group Corp ahead of going public with details of the incident on Tuesday. The ride-hailing service is trying to complete a deal in which the Japanese company would invest as much as $10 billion for at least 14 percent of Uber, mostly by buying out existing shareholders. “We informed SoftBank that we were investigating a data breach, consistent with our duty to disclose to a potential investor, even though our information at the time was preliminary and incomplete,” Uber said in a statement. ”We also made clear that our forensic investigation was ongoing,“ Uber said. ”Once our internal inquiry concluded and we had a more complete understanding of the facts, we disclosed to ...
Researchers Uncover Flaw That Makes Wi-Fi Vulnerable To Hacks

Researchers Uncover Flaw That Makes Wi-Fi Vulnerable To Hacks

Cyber security watchdogs and researchers are issuing warnings over risks associated with a widely used system for securing Wi-Fi communications after the discovery of a flaw that could allow hackers to read information thought to be encrypted, or infect websites with malware. An alert from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Computer Emergency Response Team on Monday said the flaw could be used within range of Wi-Fi using the WPA2 protocol to hijack private communications. It recommended installing vendor updates on affected products, such as routers provided by Cisco Systems Inc or Juniper Networks Inc. Belgian researchers Mathy Vanhoef and Frank Piessens of Belgian university KU Leuven disclosed the bug in WPA2, which secures modern Wi-Fi systems used by vendors for wireless c...
Security Flaw Found in WhatsApp, Telegram: Researchers

Security Flaw Found in WhatsApp, Telegram: Researchers

A computer security firm today revealed a flaw that could let hackers break into WhatsApp or Telegram messaging accounts using the very encryption intended to protect messages. Check Point Software Technologies said that it alerted Telegram and Facebook-owned WhatsApp last week, waiting until the vulnerability was patched before making it public. Check Point did not specify how many messaging accounts were at risk, but did say the flaw posed a danger to "hundreds of millions" of users accessing the messaging platform from web browsers in computers, as opposed to mobile applications. "This new vulnerability put hundreds of millions of WhatsApp Web and Telegram Web users at risk of complete account take over," Check Point head of product vulnerability Oded Vanunu said in a release. ...
Google CEO Sundar Pichai’s Quora  Account Hacked

Google CEO Sundar Pichai’s Quora Account Hacked

Google CEO Sundar Pichai's Quora account has been hacked by the same group which previously broke into Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg's Twitter and Pinterest accounts, according to a media report today. The hacker group called OurMine Team has been posting messages on Quora through Pichais account. The breach of his account became apparent when tweets linking to his Quora posts appeared on his official Twitter account yesterday. The Indian-born Google CEOs has 508,000 followers. The hacker group initially wrote, hacked using his account. "Hey its OurMine, we are just testing your security, please visit OurMine to upgrade it," it said in later posts, The Verge reported. Pichai or perhaps his team, however regained control of the Quora account soon, and the tweets were deleted within fe...
Mark Zuckerberg Social Media Accounts Hacked and Hacker Claims The Password was “dadada”

Mark Zuckerberg Social Media Accounts Hacked and Hacker Claims The Password was “dadada”

A hacking group OurMine Team has claimed responsibility for Hacking social media accounts belonging to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. Mark Zuckerberg’s Twitter and Pinterest accounts were hijacked by the hacker group on Sunday. “Hey @finkd, you were in Linkedin Database with the password ‘dadada’ !,” the team wrote from Zuckerberg’s Twitter page. On his Pinterest, the new title was “Hacked by OurMine Team.” Ouch. Mark Zuckerberg's social media accounts have been hacked— Ben Hall (@Ben_Hall) June 5, 2016 Later the tweet was deleted from the account and the account has been seized. Zuckerberg did not tweet on his rival social network since January 2012. Hackers claimed the “dadada” password leaked through a massive data breach on Linke...