Monday, September 16

SCOOT, San Francisco Based Electric Scooter Maker Hits 1 Million Miles

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – Scoot has reached 1,000,000 miles in San Francisco today. Thousands of members have taken thousands of rides over the past 3.5 years. Scoot launched to the public in September 2012, with just 35 scooters & 5 locations. Each year, Scoot has expanded its reach and availability for residents of the City by the Bay.

San Francisco is, as we know, 7×7 so scooting one million miles is like riding from SOMA to Ocean Beach 142,857 times. More importantly, if every one of those million miles had been in a car or taxi, instead of on an electric scooter, there’d be an additional 1.2 million pounds of CO2 in the atmosphere. But there isn’t! Instead, our community rode one million electric miles on two wheels, thousands of times.

ALSO READ: Scoot Quad – San Francisco’s New Way To Ride Around The City


It also means we’re making an impact on the environment, on pollution, and on traffic congestion — and we’re doing it in an affordable, efficient, and fun way. Needless to say, here at Scoot we’re grinning from blinker to blinker.


What It Takes to Reach Two Commas

We’ve reached this huge milestone 3.5 years after launching. Scoot started with 35 scooters and 4 garages to pick up and drop-off from. Today, we have 400 scoots, along with 10 quads, and parking available inside 45 garages and on the street in neighborhoods all around the city. We’ve made enormous progress and owe a lot to our partnerships with parking garages, city officials, and more than anyone, the enormous and enthusiastic community of riders who scoot day in and day out.

Our founder and CEO, Michael Keating: “This is a huge milestone for Scoot, but it’s just the beginning. Our second million is just a few months away. Our service is growing exponentially.”