Saturday, July 27


Designer’s Secret : Who Says Chairs Are Just For Sitting?

Designer’s Secret : Who Says Chairs Are Just For Sitting?

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]here's a lot of home decorating advice out there on the internet on how to create best drawing room, kitchen or design your dining room. Now, as the holiday season approaches, the number of guest, relatives and friends will outnumber your furniture for sure. Keeping the rooms spacious and make plenty of space to hang around needs much brainstorming! It is rather challenging for home makers to align furniture like sofas, chairs and tables, especially if they are directly in front of the front door. As soon as we enter a house, we notice dramatic ceiling, lamps, curtains etc. But if the goal is to have long conversations and have some meals, comfortable chairs are vital. Chairs can be expensive if you don't know what you're looking for and where are you going to pla...
How To Apologize For Your Emergency Vacation And Be Cool About It!

How To Apologize For Your Emergency Vacation And Be Cool About It!

If you want to be a loved and appreciated employee in your company, it is advisable that you plan your leaves out. Yes there are some emergencies (hangover being not one of them) where you can cut out, but as said, it is not advisable. Well that is on the one hand, but what happens if you are on a vacation(planned one!) but you happen to work in LinkedIn and during that time its CEO Jeff Weiner plans to pay your team a visit. Seeing people like him in person is something that doesn't happens a lot, even for employees at LinkedIn. What would you do if you are working there and happen to be on a vacation while he visits? How cool can you really be? Mariah Walton, Analytics Manager at the business and employment-oriented social networking service LinkedIn, "accidentally" scheduled he...
The ‘Rule’ Of Continental Food In India

The ‘Rule’ Of Continental Food In India

  The British ruled India for over 200 years. So goes the story. Some do argue that they took a 100 years to conquer and ruled another 100 before they were sent back. But, that is a debate for another day. During this tenure they did influence many aspects in India. Education, medical services, fashion and food are probably some of the very obvious ones. Their influence on food is a definite yes as continental food is a huge contribution by the British to Indian culinary. Some stories do indicate that continental food was introduced to the then royal families of India by the British as a token of friendship. It is said that continental food percolated to the commoners through the kitchens of Indian royals. There is no way to ratify any such observations. The popularity and accep...
Battery Swapping Can Push Electric Car Revolution: ADB Blog

Battery Swapping Can Push Electric Car Revolution: ADB Blog

Battery swapping can propel India's electric car revolution in the short-term as the country struggles to deal with vehicular pollution, said a blog on Asian Development Bank's site today. Tenders to procure 10,000 high-performance electric cars have already been announced, and the government is expected to invite bids for 50,000 electric three-wheelers from the original equipment manufacturers by the end of this year. As per the blog, over 6 lakh electric rickshaws using lead-acid batteries are plying Indian roads. It takes 8-9 hours for each vehicle to get fully charged, and the batteries must be replaced twice a year. "India's push for electric vehicles is moving forward, but many challenges remain. One of them is the country's lack of charging infrastructure," said the blog. ...
Top 10 Indian Startups That Failed In 2017

Top 10 Indian Startups That Failed In 2017

Yes, startups fail, but entrepreneurs don't! This is an undeniable fact. 2017 has seen some of record breaking fund raisings and set new milestones for the ecosystem; not to forget Flipkart's $2.5 billion funding from SoftBank Group. If we look at the report by Institute for Business Value and Oxford Economics, it highlights that more than 90% of startups fail within the first five years. Whereas, 2016 NASSCOM states that the reason behind the failure of startups in India is none other than lack of innovation which led some startups to shut their shops within a few years of their inception. Top 10 Indian Startup FailsYes, startups fail, but entrepreneurs don't! This is an undeniable fact. 2017 has seen some of record breaking fund raisings and some heartbreaking startup shutdown...
Kochi: A Travel Destination Filled With Coastal Towns And Serene Beauty

Kochi: A Travel Destination Filled With Coastal Towns And Serene Beauty

Best time to visit Kochi: One of the most popular cities in South India is undoubtedly Kochi. The capital of Kerala is a hotbed of Malabari culture and is always buzzing with activity. One of the most telling aspects about Kerala is the fact that the religious density of Muslims, Hindus and Christians are higher than other states and all of them exist very peacefully at the same time. (more…)
139 Facts and Stats about Instagram

139 Facts and Stats about Instagram

With Instagram taking over the Internet with its out-of-the-box services and versatility in the field of providing an amazing user-experience, let's take a quick view of these 139 awesome facts. From scratch to the empire it has created til now!
Know Which Group Insurance Policy Is Best For Small & Medium Enterprises

Know Which Group Insurance Policy Is Best For Small & Medium Enterprises

Group insurance plans are inexpensive and very beneficial plans for employees. If bought properly with right benefits these plans can cover vulnerabilities of the people who work for an organization. They will feel motivated and fearless from taking additional responsibilities which will ultimately lead to higher productivity and happier work-force.   Infographic Credits: Secure Now
TalentEdge Defines Key Trends in Edtech Sector
BLOGS, Story

TalentEdge Defines Key Trends in Edtech Sector

With the increased penetration of technology into our daily lives and smartphones taking over the world, India’s online education industry is expected to grow almost eight times to hit $1.96 billion by 2021, with the number of paid users rising six-fold from 1.6 million now to 9.6 million, as per a report by Google and consultancy firm KPMG. Traditional education systems, hence are losing their importance as both students and educators embrace what a basic edtech startup offers – convenience, personalization, and agility. “It is also interesting to note that high growth in education search queries is now coming in from Tier II and Tier III cities such as Patna, Guwahati, Aligarh and Kota, which points to the opportunities that growing penetration of smartphones and improving quality of...
The Real Reasons Your Startup Needs a Great Name

The Real Reasons Your Startup Needs a Great Name

Around the world, entrepreneurs will create over 100 million new startups per year. With such a staggering number of businesses creating products across hundreds of industries, you need a powerful way to differentiate yourself from your competitors around the world. While a unique product will help your startup stand out from the pack, developing a concise and persuasive branding message will help your company achieve success. At the cornerstone of your branding is your name - one or two words that should convey your startup’s missions, products, and brand. Investing in your startup’s name is one of the best things you can do to ensure your success in the future. Here are four concrete reasons why you should invest your time and resources into your company’s name: Your name...
Legendary Quotes From 45 Successful Entrepreneurs

Legendary Quotes From 45 Successful Entrepreneurs

An entrepreneur is someone who organises and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk. Ever wondered how the likes of Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, J.K Rowling and many others became successful entrepreneurs? Believe it or not they know what it’s like to launch a new business and to start from the beginning. These successful entrepreneurs have worked their way up to the top and created a powerful name for themselves and for their business. Despite becoming successful entrepreneurs, the journey might not have always been an effortless one either but it’s what you learn on the way that counts within business. So let's hear out what these 'Super' entrepreneurs have to say to you: (more…)
pCommerce- The Global Perspective of ‘People’ in India

pCommerce- The Global Perspective of ‘People’ in India

World is appreciating and recognizing ‘people’ from India, then why is India lagging to figure out the projection of investment from its own ‘people’? Why isn’t India able to harvest it and reap itself huge pool of benefits? Japan has leveraged its cultural emphasis on ‘efficiency and team work’, to revolutionize the manufacturing and engineering industries. The Republic of Korea (Korea) has utilized its cultural emphasis on ‘speed’, and it has built some world-class companies such as Samsung and LG. China has sustained a GDP growth of more than 10% for more than two decades by virtue of its ‘ability to scale’. The United States of America (USA) and Israel have leveraged the diversity of their populations to lead innovation globally. I firmly believe that now it is India’s turn ...