Security is an issue that all business owners need to carefully consider. This will include physical security such as CCTV cameras and intruder alarms, but in today’s digital age the larger threat is cybercrime, which is a huge and growing problem. There are constantly stories of large corporations and government agencies being targeted by cybercriminals, but it is not just these larger organizations that are being targeted; small companies are frequently targeted because it is thought that there will not be adequate protection in place.
Cybercrime is the biggest threat to modern-day business and there are constantly new threats being developed which is why endpoint security has become a priority for all companies.
Endpoint Security Defined
So, what exactly is endpoint security? This is a system which is used to protect devices on a network from digital threats. In today’s day and age, this goes much further than just computers because there are so many different devices that have connectivity. A few examples of what an endpoint can include:
- Desktops
- Laptops
- Tablets
- Smartphones
- Smartwatches
- Voice-controlled digital assistants
- Printers
- Any Internet of Things (IoT) enabled device
With so many modern-day devices being connected to a network, it can increase the risk of a breach. Therefore, endpoint security systems have had to become more advanced to protect against the latest threats.
Endpoint Security For Businesses
Endpoints security is important for all, but particularly for businesses that are likely to have multiple devices connected to the network which could be a risk. This is particularly true with the rise of bring your own device (BYOD) which sees staff using their own devices for work which drastically increases the number of potential entry points for malware and other digital threats. Therefore, every business owner needs to find a high-quality endpoint security solution from a specialist like mcafee.com, which will provide protection for every endpoint. You can safeguard the company’s sensitive data while allowing staff to use various devices with confidence each day.
Modern-Day Endpoint Security
Endpoint security has had to evolve rapidly in recent times to keep pace with the latest cyberthreats. This means that endpoint security now involves much more than simply antivirus software and will include features such as:
- Threat detection
- Investigation
- Device management
- Data leak protection (DLP)
- Next-generation antivirus
- Firewalls
Security software is usually located on a centrally managed server or gateway within the network and the client software is then installed on each endpoint. Logins on each device are authenticated by the server, which can also keep devices updated with the latest software for constant protection against the latest threats. This can provide robust protection for all devices and the corporate network while allowing staff to use their own devices safely and with confidence.
Endpoint security has become essential in today’s day and age where connectivity is such a key part of modern life. This is particularly true for businesses that often have many different devices connected to the network and staff using their own devices for work.