Saturday, July 27

Tag: WhatsApp

India is Primed for the ChatBot Revolution

India is Primed for the ChatBot Revolution

On my way to work in Bangalore last week (I’m an intern at a chatbot company), I was listening to Radio One, an Indian radio station, when I heard an ad for a competition. At first, I didn’t think much of it. Phone-in radio shows are nothing new in India. But then the radio show host said something curious: “WhatsApp us your messages at…”. I realized that, in India, WhatsApp isn’t a feature or an app like Uber or Swiggy but rather a basic utility like Internet or cell reception.   While those in the Western world were first exposed to the Internet through web pages on the desktop, Indians came online through WhatsApp. Today, if you want to stay in touch with your family and friends, you need WhatsApp. The phrase “WhatsApp me” has replaced the phrase “call me” or “message...
Whatsapp Launched a Mobile Like Desktop App

Whatsapp Launched a Mobile Like Desktop App

Whatsapp, world's leading chat based messenger app has launched a desktop app so you have a new way to stay in touch anytime and anywhere - whether on your phone or computer at home or work. Like WhatsApp Web, your desktop app is simply an extension of your phone: the app mirrors conversations and messages from your mobile device. The new desktop app is available for Windows 8+ and Mac OS 10.9+ and is synced with WhatsApp on your mobile device. Because the app runs natively on your desktop, you'll have support for native desktop notifications, better keyboard shortcuts, and more. To download the app, visit from your desktop browser. Then, open the app and scan the QR code using the WhatsApp app on your phone (look for WhatsApp Web menu under Setti...
Second Time WhatsApp blocked in Brazil, Affecting 100 million Users

Second Time WhatsApp blocked in Brazil, Affecting 100 million Users

A Brazilian judge ordered wireless phone carriers to block access to Facebook Inc's WhatsApp for 72 hours throughout Latin America's largest country on Monday, the second such move against the popular messaging application in five months. The decision by the judge in the northeastern state of Sergipe applies to the five main wireless operators in Brazil and affects WhatsApp's more than 100 million users in the country. The reason for the order is not known due to legal secrecy in an ongoing case in the Sergipe state court. In a statement, WhatsApp said the company is "disappointed at the decision" after doing the utmost to cooperate with Brazilian tribunals. The decision "punishes more than 100 million users who depend upon us to communicate themselves, run their business and more, ...
Jail Authorities in Brazil Treated Me With Respect: Facebook VP

Jail Authorities in Brazil Treated Me With Respect: Facebook VP

Facebook vice-president Diego Dzodan, who was arrested due to a dispute over the company's encrypted WhatsApp messaging service for use in a secretive drug trafficking investigation, has said that the Brazilian jail authorities treated him with respect. Dzodan was arrested on Tuesday and was released the next day after an appeals judge overturned a court order to arrest him, Reuters reported. "I was treated with a lot of respect," Dzodan said at a Saturday conference on Latin American business trends organized by students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Sloan School of Management. "The way that information is encrypted from one cell phone to another, there is no information stored that could be handed over to authorities," he said. "We are extremely committed to ...
No WhatsApp on BlackBerry, Nokia by 2017

No WhatsApp on BlackBerry, Nokia by 2017

Facebook owned messaging service WhatsApp has announced that its services would be discontinued on BlackBerry and Nokia devices by 2017. WhatsApp's announcement also includes Nokia's low-end S40 and S60 Symbian platforms, as well as the older Android 2.2 and Windows Phone 7.1 operating systems, the Verge reported. Based in Mountain View, California, WhatsApp was acquired by Facebook Inc. on February 19, 2014, for approximately USD 19.3 billion. As of February 2016, WhatsApp had a user base of up to one billion making it the most globally popular messaging application.   Whatsapp Blog - Earlier this week WhatsApp turned seven years old. It has been an amazing journey and in the coming months we're putting an even greater emphasis on security features and more ways to stay...
WhatsApp Extend Group Users Limit From 100 Users to 256 Users

WhatsApp Extend Group Users Limit From 100 Users to 256 Users

Facebook Owned messenger App WhatsApp has silently updated its Android version group limit of users which includes now 256 users. Earlier the group user limit was 100 users per group.  iOS users have also received an update that brings the same functionality, with version 2.12.13 of the app. It is worth mentioning that the new group limit is only visible on Android and iOS for now. However, it should reach Windows Phone, BlackBerry, and other platforms soon. WhatsApp last month got rid of its $1 (approximately Rs. 68) annual subscription fee. Until now,WhatsApp asked some users to pay an annual fee for using the app after the first year of use - though as many of us experienced, most users were not asked to pay after a year, and instead were given extensions each year.   I...
One Billion People are Using WhatsApp. That’s Nearly One in Seven People on Earth.

One Billion People are Using WhatsApp. That’s Nearly One in Seven People on Earth.

As of today, one billion people are using WhatsApp. That's nearly one in seven people on Earth who use WhatsApp each month to stay in touch with their loved ones, their friends and their family. We are proud of this milestone, and we're humbled by the extraordinary ways all of you have used WhatsApp. Whether it's sharing vital information during natural disasters or health emergencies, finding a date, growing a small business, buying an engagement ring, or seeking a better life – we're honored to be a small part of what people are doing to make their lives and the lives of those around them better - Whatsapp team shared on his blog. WhatsApp began with a simple idea: ensuring that anyone could stay in touch with family and friends anywhere on the planet, without costs or gimmicks standin...
WhatsApp to drop subscription fees, no plans to launch ads

WhatsApp to drop subscription fees, no plans to launch ads

Mobile messaging service WhatsApp, owned by Facebook Inc, said it will no longer charge annual subscription fees and plans to test tools to allow users to communicate directly with businesses and organizations via the app. WhatsApp, which has 900 million users worldwide and works across different types of phones, said it does not plan to launch third-party advertising to generate revenue. It only charges an annual subscription fee of 99 U.S. cents or the equivalent, which is waived for the first year, and said it would end its subscription fees over the next several weeks. It will test tools that allow users to communicate with businesses and organizations on WhatsApp, rather than through text messages and phone calls. "That could mean communicating with your bank about whether...
Facebook’s Messenger app passes 800 million users

Facebook’s Messenger app passes 800 million users

Facebook Inc's Messenger app surpassed 800 million users, the company said on Thursday, making it the fastest-growing app of 2015 according to research firm Nielsen. The means Messenger, which Facebook created as a standalone app in 2014, has more active monthly users than rivals Snapchat and Viber, but still lags the 900 million using WhatsApp, also owned by Facebook. WhatsApp was one of the first apps to let people send and receive free text messages on smartphones, bypassing network charges. Messenger users can also exchange messages, but the app also offers free video calling and some business services. "One of the things we have to work on this year is this perception or mindset that Messenger is only to speak with your Facebook friends," said Messenger head David Marcus in...


As per the recent reports WhatsApp is testing a new feature for its popular messaging service Video Calls. Video Calls will first come to the iOS platform and then most likely will get to the Android smartphones. It is a natural extension for the Facebook-owned world’s largest messaging service provider to have support for video calls. The video calls on WhatsApp will work on both the Cellular networks (3G / 4G / 5G) and also will be functional on the WIFI network. User will have an option to either make an Audio call from the Whatsapp or opt to make a video call. There is also option as shown in the picture to swap the front and rear camera on the smartphone to make it easier for users. WhatsApp video calls for iOS will come with the update of software to the version ...