Saturday, July 27

Tag: UN International Court of Justice

Qatar takes UAE to UN Court over Human Rights Violation

Qatar takes UAE to UN Court over Human Rights Violation

The government of Qatar has alleged UAE over human rights violation and now is taking it to the UN International Court of Justice (ICJ) as cited to the official Qatar News Agency (QNA). The move has come a year after Qatar accused of "terrorism" tied diplomatic and trade relations with Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Egypt. On the other hand, Doha has repeatedly rejected the allegations as "baseless". According to the government statement,"As set forth in detail in Qatar’s application to the International Court, the UAE led these actions, which have had a devastating effect on the human rights of Qataris and residents of Qatar." Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani said, The unlawful measures imposed by UAE have torn apart families, with parents being separa...