Saturday, May 11

Tag: tilda

Build an App Without a Line of Code

Build an App Without a Line of Code

Nowadays, you don’t need to know how to code to build something cool online.  We put together a collection of 7 handy tools you can use to build an app (or maybe just a prototype) without a line of code. These days, it’s hard to launch a startup without knowing how to code—or hiring someone who does. But, when you have basically no budget early in your company’s life, it isn’t always feasible to drop five figures (or more) on hiring a web or app developer. Luckily, there are so many great tools on the market now to help you build a website or app without needing to write a single line of code. They are definitely time and money savers if you’re looking to launch on a dime, and fast. Here are seven of the Product Hunt community’s favorite “no code required” programming tools. 1. Bubb...