Thursday, December 19

Tag: Pet care

Pet Care Industry Continues to Grow Amid Pandemic

Pet Care Industry Continues to Grow Amid Pandemic

For many industries, travel, and hospitality to name a few, the pandemic has been extremely detrimental to sales. The list of businesses that can say the circumstances surrounding COVID-19 have been beneficial is short. While the focus has mostly been on eCommerce and remote tech, which individuals and businesses have relied on as we shift to a digital world, one industry that has been quietly making steady growth is pet care.The demand for pet care, from food to veterinary services, rose over the course of the pandemic. One surprising and heart-warming reason for it is the growth in the number of people adopting and fostering pets. In the US, Wired reports that animal shelters have run out of pets that are available for adoption a remarkable problem to have in a country that’s overrun wit...