Monday, May 6


This Newcastle Based Startup Neatly Changed Data Management process!!!

This Newcastle Based Startup Neatly Changed Data Management process!!!

A couple of years ago a lot of our clients made the change and moved all of their systems from the traditional hardware to the cloud. This was great and opened up a new world for them in terms of functionality and cost, however, it also presented its own challenges. One of these was that there was no longer a central location for all of their data, and they were having to search for different metrics and update internal spreadsheets! So, we decided that it would be great if there was a platform which connected them all together, so that a business could get an overview of their metrics at any time and from any device. And so was born. We decided on the name ‘neatly’ as the key here was to avoid the use of spreadsheets and manage your data easily and neatly! ...