Saturday, July 27

Tag: malware

Quick Heal invest $2 mn in Israel based L7 Defense

Quick Heal invest $2 mn in Israel based L7 Defense

California, 15th Jan 2021: Antivirus firm Quick Heal Technologies invested $2 million in an Israel-based cybersecurity startup L7 Defense. L7 Defense specializes in Application Program Interface (API) Security and Next Generation Web Application Firewall (NG-WAF). This is the second round investment by Quick Heal in L7 Defense. Last Year Quick Heal invested $300,000 in L7 Defense to acquired customers in financial, telecom and IT industries across US and Europe. Dr Kailash Katkar, Managing Director and CEO, Quick Heal said, "L7 Defense has proven its unique capabilities in the area of API Security and NG-WAF which led us to further increase our investment. Simultaneously, this move enables 'Seqrite' to foray into application security and strengthen our solution stack to secure m...
Security Flaw Found in WhatsApp, Telegram: Researchers

Security Flaw Found in WhatsApp, Telegram: Researchers

A computer security firm today revealed a flaw that could let hackers break into WhatsApp or Telegram messaging accounts using the very encryption intended to protect messages. Check Point Software Technologies said that it alerted Telegram and Facebook-owned WhatsApp last week, waiting until the vulnerability was patched before making it public. Check Point did not specify how many messaging accounts were at risk, but did say the flaw posed a danger to "hundreds of millions" of users accessing the messaging platform from web browsers in computers, as opposed to mobile applications. "This new vulnerability put hundreds of millions of WhatsApp Web and Telegram Web users at risk of complete account take over," Check Point head of product vulnerability Oded Vanunu said in a release. ...
Infographic: 10 Biggest Cyber Crimes and Data Breaches in History

Infographic: 10 Biggest Cyber Crimes and Data Breaches in History

According to a 2016 survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers, organizations rank cybercrime as the second most reported type of economic crime, up from fourth place. (It’s worth noting that most cybercrimes go unreported.) Rarely a week goes by without news of another data breach at another corporation. And cyber thieves are taking different types of data and doing more things with them. If you have been caught committing any cyber crimes then you may want to look into getting legal assistance as you won't have full knowledge of the law. Look for someone like these philadelphia criminal lawyers to help you. So here we mentioned 10 of the most notable cybercrimes, either by size or significance. They illustrate the growing threat to businesses, consumers and governments.
Swachh Internet- Indian Govt to Soft Launch Malware Cleaning System From Dec 20

Swachh Internet- Indian Govt to Soft Launch Malware Cleaning System From Dec 20

Government will kick start operations of a long-awaited malware and botnet cleaning centre with soft launch on December 20, a programme aimed at automatically disinfecting computers and mobiles from viruses and malicious software for free. "Major cybersecurity initiative of Digital India. Soft Launch of BotNet cleaning centre of India CERT from December 20," Ministry of Electronics and IT, Additional Secretary Ajay Kumar tweeted today. Botnet is a network of malicious softwares that can steal information, take control of device function and carry out cyber attacks like Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) that prevent access of websites. Government has earmarked Rs 100 crore for setting up this facility. The project was expected to be launched in 2014. When contacted, Kumar said, "...
None of Mobile Payment Apps in India Fully Secure: Qualcomm

None of Mobile Payment Apps in India Fully Secure: Qualcomm

While government is pushing for digital payments through mobile phones, chipset maker Qualcomm said that wallets and mobile banking applications in India are not using hardware level security which can make online transactions more secure. "You will be surprised because most of the banking or wallet apps around the world don't use hardware security. They actually run completely in Android mode and users password can be stolen. Users use fingerprint which might be captured... in India that is the case for most of all digital wallets and mobile banking apps," Qualcomm Senior Director Product Management SY Choudhury told Pixr8. He said that even most famous digital payment application in India is not using hardware level security. "Reason we are saying that none of them is using it bec...
49% Kids Can’t Live Without Social Media – Kaspersky Lab Study

49% Kids Can’t Live Without Social Media – Kaspersky Lab Study

Kids today spend more of their lives online than offline, according to research carried out by Kaspersky Lab and iconKids and Youth. As kids grow older, offline activities tend to transfer to the online world. Moreover, three-in-four children prefer to use the Internet to get information, rather than any other source. These findings show that children can become even more vulnerable online without parental supervision and support. Children stay close to their mobile devices all day, and even tend to sleep with them, so that they can go online around the clock from any location. The research shows that four-in-ten are reluctant to put their smartphone down even during mealtimes. Furthermore, 23% of parents of 8-10 year olds admitted that their kids take their mobile phones to bed with...
Hotel chain operator Hilton payment systems hit by malware

Hotel chain operator Hilton payment systems hit by malware

Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc said on Tuesday it identified unauthorized malware in some payment systems that targeted payment card information. A Hotel chain operator revealed that a third-party investigation found that the malware targeted specific payment card information, that included cardholder names, payment card numbers, security codes and expiration dates.   Hilton said customers who used their cards during a 17-week period – from Nov. 18 to Dec. 5, 2014 or April 21 to July 27, 2015 – were advised to check their bank statements. The information targeted, however, did not include addresses or personal identification numbers (PINs), the company added. The owner of the Conrad and Double Tree hotel chains did not provide details on the number of...