Saturday, July 27

Tag: enterprises

Shanghai Set to Expand High-tech Enterprise Population

Shanghai Set to Expand High-tech Enterprise Population

Shanghai is set to increase its population of high-tech enterprises to 15,000 by 2020, according to a guideline released by the municipal government. The guideline also states that these enterprises would achieve a combined annual revenue of more than 3 trillion yuan ($432.94billion) and profits of 280 billion yuan by 2020. The high-tech sector, which has become an important engine in the city's development, is growing rapidly in Shanghai, said Zhang Quan, the director of Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission. The city is presently home to around 9,200 high-tech enterprises, more than 80 percent of which are privately owned. In 2017, these companies applied a total of 28,539 invention patents, an 18.56 percent increase compared with the previous year, and their tota...
Introducing Pepsite to India: The World’s First Mobile Website Builder App

Introducing Pepsite to India: The World’s First Mobile Website Builder App

Starthosting, a web hosting service provider announces the launch of Pepsite, the world's first mobile website builder app for Indian market. Pepsite is a drag-and-editor, which allows anyone to create a unique and professional website. Worldwide, many thousands of small and medium enterprises already use Pepsite, as what they commonly describe as their best choice to make an appearance on the Internet. Starthosting team has more than 16 years of experience with supporting online presence in over 120 countries around the world, and has an Asian support centre in Bangalore since 2012.   Website Creation on-the-go - Start Free    Pepsite is the first mobile website editor to create and websites on-the-go - any time, any place and from any device. It offers great professional tem...