Sunday, December 22

Tag: Blog

How Businesses Can Help Their Customers Find The Information They Need

How Businesses Can Help Their Customers Find The Information They Need

In today’s highly competitive world, businesses must provide customers with the information they need to make purchase decisions in their favor. If they don’t, customers will get that information from their competitors and end up buying from them. This translates to loss of business opportunity and, by extension, loss of revenue.  Customers need to be educated about their needs and the solutions available in a timely and accurate manner so they can feel empowered enough to make a purchase decision. There are several strategies that businesses can do to help their customers find the information they need. These include the following, Publishing Information On Websites With advancements in technology, developing and updating business websites has become extremely easy. Busi...
Techmagnate Acquires BlogX, the Largest Blog Conference in India

Techmagnate Acquires BlogX, the Largest Blog Conference in India

Techmagnate, India’s leading Digital Marketing Agency acquired BlogX, India’s largest blog conference where bloggers and content managers connect. Upon the acquisition, Mr. Manmeet Pal Singh, founder of BlogX said, “A new chapter begins today for BlogX under the management and expert guidance of Mr. Sarvesh Bagla, CEO of Techmagnate, which is rated as one of the best digital agency offering digital marketing services in India. We didn’t have the bandwidth or resources to scale BlogX and extend its reach across the country. But with this sale we’re confident that our vision to create a better platform for content creators and revive local blogging communities will come to fruition under Sarvesh’s leadership.” The first BlogX event took place in July 2016 in New Delhi, and since then t...
4 Proven Tips to Consider for Your Content Marketing Strategy

4 Proven Tips to Consider for Your Content Marketing Strategy

Do you know that at least 70 percent of B2B marketers will create more content in 2017 compared to 2016? And now in 2020, 84 percent of B2B marketers will outsource their content creation. While more marketers than ever are embracing content marketing, a much smaller number of them are seeing tangible results research shows that just 17 percent of content marketers report their content marketing efforts as much more successful. Creating more content is usually always a good thing, but successful content marketers know that it takes more than just creating more content to get results from content marketing. Below are four tips guaranteed to make your content marketing much more effective: Publish A LOT MORE Content One of the factors you need to consider when working on your content strat...