Friday, January 3 – the only online platform which collects paper wastage and recycle it

Q: Do you know how many trees cut down for one-ton paper used by a single person per year?

The answer is: 17 trees.

Q: Do you know India only recycle 26% of its total wastage? Where goes rest then?

The answer is: Rest of it either dump or burn and it affects the environment.

Seeing this as a big challenge, two Men from Delhi working from last 3 years to solve one of the biggest problem on the earth had recently started their venture called

About Kabadiexpress –

Sandeep and Kapil(co-founders) started Kabadiexpress 4 months back and operating it from Lakshmi-Nagar, Delhi. Kabadiexpress is the only online platform in India which collects paper wastage and recycle it. Their vision is to save paper, save trees and save an environment. To contact them you need to visit the kabadiexpress website and fill a small form and they will come to your door and pick up the paper waste.

Our primary focus is to start from small areas and then goes for big. We received 100 inquiry calls per day from rest part of the India, but we are in no mood to run fast – said Sandeep.   



We currently taking orders from IP extension, which have 10,000+ customers and within 2 months we registered over 2000 customers, 400 per month customer service and 40% of them are repeated customers. The reason behind 40% because most of them don’t have per month wastage.

We have 25 to 30% margin and till date we collect over 800kgs.


Advantage and Niche part:

If the wastage quantity is high, we offer 20-30% more price to customers comparison to local kabadiwala’s. We properly measure the weight using digital weight machine. The best part in our service is that we offer a paper size bag to each customer to put all the paper wastage in it and after every two months we collect it.

kabadiexpress offer paper size bag on every collection
kabadiexpress offer paper size bag on every collection


Problems and challenges:

The Major problem is to educate people about recycling process and environment effect. Every Indian waste around 1 ton paper per year, which costs 17-18 trees cutting. We inform our customers about it and now they are realizing and using our service. Still we have a lot to do.

We as a co-founders of the company goes into colonies to collect paper wastage and when we introduce ourself, people first do not understand but if they, then they assumed us as a Kabadiwala said Kapil(laughed), co-founder of


Market size and Revenue source

Market size of the paper waste collection is over thousand crores industry but Govt. still collects over 500-600 crores in revenue. Most of the market share covered by local kabaddiwala’s who easily sell a bag of the waste paper over 200 Rs per day. Our main revenue source is our margin as well as sponsorship we offer on the bag. Recently we have few deals with big online companies to promote through our bags.