Saturday, July 27

Visa Brings Virtual Card Payment Facility to Clients Worldwide

SAN FRANCISCO, November 23rd, 2020– Visa (NYSE:V), the world’s leader in digital payments launch Visa Commercial Pay, a suite of B2B payment solutions, to help improve cash flow for businesses and eliminate outdated manual processes.

Virtual commercial cards have never been more necessary than today. Remote workers are turning to personal cards to pay for corporate expenses, buyers and suppliers need more efficient ways to pay and get paid, and businesses need immediate visibility into their company spend to improve cash flow and mitigate risk efficiently.

Visa Commercial Pay provides comprehensive card-program management capabilities, including on-demand virtual card issuance to employees’ mobile devices via an app, created exclusively by Conferma Pay and Visa, for Visa’s commercial clients.

Visa Commercial Pay also simplifies money movement between buyers and suppliers and features enhanced data, automated payment processing, and expense reconciliation.

With virtual commercial cards at its core, Visa Commercial Pay features three B2B payment offerings for financial institutions and their corporate customers, including Visa Commercial Pay Mobile app, Visa Commercial Pay Travel, and Visa Commercial Pay B2B.