Saturday, July 27

How Cricketers like Virender Sehwag Make Rs 30 Lakh Using Social Media

While he may have retired professionally for over a year now, nonetheless he continues to rule our hearts not only with his masterful strokes but also as a newly found social media entertainer! Yes, we are talking about our very own Viru paaji (nickname). Virender Sehwag the most destructive batsmen to have adorned Indian cricket industry is now making it big in the world of social media with his maiden skill to grab eyeballs through his unconventional, funny and witty Tweets like never before!

“I have, in the last six months, made around Rs. 30 lakh through my Tweets”, says, a much pleased Sehwag.

While people can’t stop gushing over his witty tweets, the brands to have not been able to resist the temptation of showcasing him for their brand promotion! Given the magnificent scope of cricket in India and world, this legendary cricketer has undoubtedly set social media on fire with his uncanny, innovative and quirky tweets.

With a whopping 16.9 million followers on Twitter, he has amassed great audience attraction and that too in no time. “If you are good at something, never do it for free” aptly connects in the scenario where Sehwag has judiciously created a room for advertisements and that too most effortlessly while talking about the most unconventional tweets in his own style tweaked with wit and humor.


But, how did Viru Paji managed to earn Rs. 30 Lakh via Twitter over past 6 months?

30 Lakhs is indeed a great figure! And when you manage to make it without doing something great, it is surely going to be the talk of the town!

What has been rather surprising and remarkable that Sehwag has not put promotional tweets but has reinvented them using his own style infusing humor that has compelled fans to follow him just like a bee goes after honey!

“We would randomly crack jokes in the dressing room to destress ourselves”, says Sehwag on his recently discovered social media identity.

One day, I decided to share it on Twitter and they became an instant hit. My followers grew in no time and some of the posts even managed to grab thousands of retweets. With so many shares, money from sponsors followed.


Enough of the statistics, Let’s break it Simple, Shall we?

When a distinguished person who is already well acclaimed in his field builds a sizeable base on any social media platform like Facebook or Twitter, he does possess the power to catch attention and gain the audience through his links or tweets. This is what forms the basis for Influencer Marketing.

Now, let us understand the same concept from Digital marketing scenario. While the internet is slowly gaining tremendous upheaval as a promotion platform, online marketing is also witnessing an evolution. Social Media is not only an entertainment platform today, rather a brilliant canvas for brands to stay connected with their customers. Brands today don’t limit themselves to organic marketing rather also go for paid campaigns to reach wider audiences. And when you have a famous icon associated, the popularity and charisma adds on to more viewership and changes the entire game.

His fans who used to earlier enjoy the hits out of the stadium by the right-hander are now enjoying his tweets. We leave you with some of the “wittiest”, “uncanny” promotional tweets from the cricketer, do let us know about your opinions in the comment section below.






Sehwag has been quite creative while wishing cricketers on their birthdays that has created quite a buzz on social media. Whether it’s his humble attitude, quirky replies or innovative style of interacting with his fans, Sehwag has successfully paved a way for many retired professionals to carve a new world for themselves while connecting with their fans and even making money out of it.

We hope that Viru Paaji continues to hit sixes even in the social media landscape and touches new heights while making the most of symbiotic relationship between brands and online influencers.