Wednesday, May 8

A Delhi student made smashdub an opposite verison of dubsmash app

Hi, I am Laavanye Bahl, studying Software Engineering at Delhi Technological University.

In today’s generation, you name a service and there’s an app for it, but there are a very few light-hearted fun apps which exploit humour. Whenever I used to talk to my friends about my apps, I  got suggestions to make something for the youth, which is lively, cheerful, basically a leisure app for a past time.


Front screenScreen - smashdubsecond screen - smashdubAfter recording option

So I wanted to develop something different than a game or service-oriented app: what our generation people wanted! I saw the exponential growth and boom of Dubsmash and one day it clicked to me! Why can’t we just do the opposite ?? Take a sample video and just dub your voice. Being actively involved in theatre, I always loved doing mimicry of various actors. It is one of the most popular hobbies. Be it Shah Rukh Khan’s kkk .. Kiran or Salman Khan’s commitment, it’s always fun to imitate your favorite celebrity.

People have been doing it since centuries. Why not just automate and make it easy and convenient? The App is called Smashdub – your mimicry partner!  you can seamlessly add your voice to GIFs and Videos.

Smashdub features:

– Large collection of GIFs and Videos.
– Search for actors, dialogues, movies, shows, etc.
– Fast and very easy to use.
– Share your Dubs with friends on various platforms.
– Capture or add videos from gallery.
– Share your dubs with the SmashDub community.

I’m looking forward to seeing some hilarious and creative “Smash” being shared on the social media and just the thought of it is very exciting.
It’s an effort to accomplish the dream of any young developer to get a million downloads on his/her product.
It’s the era of crazy apps going viral, and I hope this one also does. With great response on the launch of the android version, soon I’ll be releasing an iOS version as well.

Also, these days I am involved in a startup along with my college friends and we’re working on a very interesting concept around linear, synchronous, non-archival, pseudo live streaming of videos.