Wednesday, May 1

Exclusive: WhatsApp To Introduce “Block Revoke Request” Feature

“Delete for All” feature introduced earlier in March, which had come as a big relief to Whatsapp users is to undergo a change yet again.

The 270 million subscribed Facebook-owned application had introduced a “Delete for everyone feature” which entitles users to delete a message sent mistakingly to recipients. At the time of launch, it was mentioned that users had seven minutes to revoke the sent message.

However, last week, WhatsApp had increased this time limit to 1 hour, 8 minutes and 16 seconds.Whatsapp now is planning a new feature “Block Revoke Request”. This has come in after an observation where users have used the “delete feature” to erase their 3-year-old messages.


As per information from a company’s Twitter account that tracks changes in WhatsApp beta builds, the new “Block Revoke Request” has been introduced to track bad user request within the app which sometimes becomes a nuisance for users. This will completely stop the misuse of delete for everyone feature.

“As soon as a user deletes a message for everyone, Whatsapp sents a new message to the recipient having the same ID proof indicating a revoke action from the user.”

A report concerned around the same suggests that in case a user’s phone is switched off at the time “delete for everyone” request is sent and remains switched off for next 24 hours, the request will go invalid and the message will continue to exist in the app.