Friday, May 3

FundTonic – A Fin Tech Company Looking To Revolutionize Start-up Funding in India

FundTonic, a fin-tech company that aims to revolutionize the entire start-up ecosystem has launched their first online platform today. Fundtonic, which aims to reach 2000 investors and 5000 start-ups by next year.

FundTonic uses sophisticated proprietary technology that evaluates potential start-ups with a fine-tooth comb and showcases the relevant start-ups to the keen investors. This process enables investors to have easy access to pertinent start-ups. At the same time, start-ups get to know their scalability and invest ability.

“Year 2016 did not begin well for start-ups. As many of them either shut shops or merged with large corporate. The closure cycle of investments became long. However, I consider this as a positive sign that investors are no longer content with just the overall projection and valuation of a business; they want in depth analysis of the start-up, wherein they decide to invest money. Considering this current situation, we decided to launch our platform,” said Co-Founder FundTonic, Akshit Gupta.

“We endeavour to deepen the start-up eco-system in Tier I cities and build infrastructure in Tier II and Tier III cities by making partnerships to achieve the larger objective of identifying and scaling disruptive ideas across the country,” added Akshit Gupta.

“Two decades ago, getting the capital for budding enterprises was challenging. Now the situation is changing. Many start-ups are spawning, as more and more importance is being given to innovation and both entrepreneurs and investors are willing to take risks. However, investors and start-ups should keep in mind that failure of some kind is bound to come; knowing how you deal with it is important. Minimizing losses for the ecosystem by increasing successes and reducing probability of failure is a big step and FundTonic is well positioned to achieve this,” said Chief Investment Officer SAIML ( SREI Alternative Investment Managers Limited), Nalin Kumar.